( ) Society Contacts There are Egyptology societies and groups all over the UK and worldwide offering a range of activities to interested amateurs. A contact list of secretaries is provided below. Victor Blunden of the long-established and highly successful Manchester Ancient Egypt Society (MAES) is willing to offer advice to any new groups starting out.
For societies outside the UK click here
The Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society Secretary: Mrs Sue Kirk 2 Seathorne Crescent, Skegness, Lincolnshire. PE25 IRP Tel: 01754 765341 sue47beset [@] gmail.com
The Ancient World Society Secretary: Sandy Davey.
The Post Office, Main Road,
Sibsey, BOSTON, Lincs. PE22 0TN
Tel: 01205 750201
Ancient Worlds SOUTHPORT, Merseyside Secretary: Joanne Chamberlain
Joanne.Chamberlain @ sefton.gov.
The Ankh: SOUTH-EAST KENT Egyptology Society Secretary: Joan Kaye Tel: 01227 367203 ankh.kent [@] gmail.com
The Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East LONDON Secretary: Dr Hana Navratilova
Bloomsbury Summer School,
Bolton Archaeology and Egyptology Society secretary[@]boltonaes.co.uk
The British Egyptian Society Secretary: Noel Rands. Tel: 07876 403242
Carlisle & District Egyptology Society Secretary: Janet McWilliam.
The Egypt Exploration Society LONDON Director: Dr. Chris Naunton.
The Egypt Exploration Society – Northern Branch Secretary: Prof. Rosalie David KNH Centre of Biomedical Egyptology, School of Biological Sciences The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester. M13 9PT Tel: 0161 275 2634
Egypt Society of Bristol Chairman: Dr. Aidan Dodson. c/o Department of Archaeology, University of Bristol, 43 Woodland Road, BRISTOL BS8 1UU Tel: 0117 942 1957 info [@] egyptsocietybristol.org.uk www.egyptsocietybristol.org.uk
The Egyptian Society (Taunton) Secretary: Louise Clatworthy louiseclatworthy @ btinternet.com www.egyptiansoctaunton.wixsite.com/home
Egyptology Scotland Contact: Claire Gilmour 75 Canal Street, Saltcoats, North Ayrshire, KA21 5JA MembershipEgScot [@] yahoo.co.uk
Egyptian Cultural Bureau Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 4 Chesterfield Gardens, LONDON W1J 5BG Tel: 0207 491 7720 Culture_UK [@] btconnect.com
Egyptology North
Essex Egyptology Group Contact: Janet Brewer 07732 563935 administrator[@]essexegyptology.co.uk
Friends of the Egypt Centre - Swansea Secretary: Carolyn Graves-Brown. The Egypt Centre, University of Wales, Singleton Park, SWANSEA SA2 8PP Tel: 01792 295960 c.a.graves-brown [@] swansea.ac.uk www.swan.ac.uk/egypt/Friends/Friends.htm
The Friends of the Petrie Museum Secretary: Jan Picton Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT janpicton [@] ijnet.demon.co.uk www.ucl.ac.uk/FriendsofPetrie/
Horus Egyptology Society Wigan, Lancashire Secretary: Christine Fishwick. Tel : 01942 517958
The Kemet Klub – BRISTOL
Leicestershire Ancient Egypt Society Secretary: Tony Sulley. ( )
The Manchester Ancient Egypt Society (MAES) Secretary: Sarah Griffiths. Sarahgwen1[@]hotmail.com
North East Manchester Egypt Society (NEMES) Chairman: Alan Fildes 65 Kersal Road, Prestwich, Manchester. M25 9SN Tel: 0161 773 2877 alan [@] nemes.co.uk
North East Ancient Egypt Society DURHAM Secretary: Lyn Gatland.
The Northampton Ancient Egyptian Historical Society Secretary: Linda V. Amas 52 Back Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton. NN4 6BY Tel: 01604 761519
The Plymouth and District Egyptology Society Secretary: Jan Buckland, 37 Samuel Bassett Avenue, The Limes, Widewell, Plymouth, PL6 6FG. Tel: 01752 695195.
Poynton Egypt Group Secretary: Liz Esser.
RAMASES (North Kent Egyptology Society) Secretary: Annette Jones. 7 Gordon Avenue, QUEENBOROUGH, Kent ME11 5BD Tel: 01795 663475 ramasesnk [@] hotmail.com
The Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt Nottingham & Derby Secretary: Keith Lucas. 25 Norton Lees Lane, Norton Lees SHEFFIELD Yorkshire, S8 9BA Tel: 0114 2581856 ssaelocal [@] gmail.com http://www.egyptology-ssae.org/
Chesterfield Egyptology Society (CHES) http://www.egyptology-ssae.org/ches.html
The Southampton Ancient Egypt Society Secretary: Nicola Simpson 10 Cobbett Way, Botley, Hampshire, SO30 2ET Tel: 07729 627901 saesinfo55 [@] gmail.com www.southamptonancientegyptsociety.co.uk Staffordshire Egyptology Society Secretary: Alison Coles.
The Sudan Archaeological Research Society Chairman: Derek Welsby C/o The British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
Sussex Egyptology Society Horsham, Brighton & Worthing Membership Secretary: Janice
The Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society Reading Chairman: John Billman Tel: 01488 668340 chairman [@] tvaes.org.uk www.tvaes.org.uk
Wessex Ancient Egypt Society Chairman: Angela Dennett 4 Maclean Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH11 8EP Tel: 01202 241973 angi [@] waes.fsnet.co.uk
West Midlands Egyptology Society.
HAPY Egyptology Society South and West Yorkshire Contact: Andy Ward Tel: 01977 616384 andyward441 [@] googlemail.com
Ancient Egypt Society of Western Australia President: Colin Simcock. PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA www.aeswa.org.au
Ptah-Hotep a.s.b.l. Association d’Égyptologie Belge Secretary: Stéphanie Szuma. Chemin des Postes, 234 CP1410, WATERLOO. BELGIUM. Tel : +32 (0)495.896.148 stephanie.szuma[@]ptah-hotep.be http://www.ptah-hotep.be
Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth asbl Parc du Cinquantenaire 10 1000 Bruxelles - Belgium
Egyptologica asbl Madame Florence Doyen 22 Rue Ernest Solvay 1050 Bruxelles – Belgium
Egyptologica Vlaanderen vzw Ravenstraat 20 3000 Leuven - Belgium
Groupe d’Études Égypte Chemin du Moulin 38 1380 Lasne – Belgium
Kheper asbl Rue de la Neuville 58 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve – Belgium
Kheper asbl (Arlon section) Monsieur Jean Pirotte Schoppach Rue Halbardier 37 6700 Toernich - Belgium
Kheper asbl (Charleroi section) Monsieur Nicolas Gauthier Grand-Place 23/502 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium
Ptah-Hotep asbl Chemin des Postes 234B 1410 Waterloo – Belgium
The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities /Société pour l’Étude de l’Égypte Ancienne – Head Office, Toronto. P.O. Box 578 Postal Station “P” TORONTO, Ontario M5S 2T1 CANADA Tel: 416-906-0180; info[@]thessea.org ww.thessea.org
– Montreal Chapter/ Chapitre du Québec à Montréal C.P. 49022, Succ. Versailles MONTREAL, Quebec, H1N 3T6 CANADA tél./fax: 514-353-4674 ssea_mtl[@]hotmail.com http://sseamontrealvip.homestead.com/anglais.html
– Calgary Chapter President: Dr. William D. Glanzman, Department of Behavioural Sciences Mount Royal College 4825 Mount Royal Gate S.W. CALGARY, Alberta CANADA Tel: (403) 440-6437/Fax: (403) 440-6659 wglanzman[@]mtroyal.ca http://www3.telus.net/public/james135/CalgarySSEA.htm
French Egyptological Associations (update September 2016)
Avignon (84) Les Amis de Thot http://www.lesamisdethot.net/
Béziers (34) Centre languedocien d’Égyptologie (Béziers) http://centrelanguedocienegyptologie.blogspot.fr/
Bordeaux (Peyssac) (33) Association Égyptologique de la Gironde http://aeg.u-bordeaux3.fr/?page_id=80
Grenoble (38) Association Dauphinoise d'Egyptologie CHAMPOLLION (ADEC) http://www.champollion-adec.net/
Le Chesnay (78) AEREA (Association pour l’Étude et la Recherche sur l’Égypte Ancienne) http://didier.laffaille.pagesperso-orange.fr/Aerea/Association.htm#Ancre4
Lille (59) Papyrus http://www.association-papyrus.com/
Lyon (69) Cercle Lyonnais d’Égyptologie Victor Loret http://asso.univ-lyon2.fr/cercle-egyptologie
Marseille (13) Provence Egyptologie http://www.provenceegyptologie.org/
Montpellier (34) Association montpelliéaine d’égyptologie Néfrou http://www.enim-egyptologie.fr/nefrou/
Montpellier (Saint-Clément de Rivière) (34) Les Amis de l’Égypte pharaonique (ADEA) http://adea.asso-web.com/28+contact.html
Montsegur (09) Centre d’Égyptologie www.revue-egypte.org
Nantes (44), Angers (49) Association d’Égyptologie IMHOTEP http://www.association-egyptologie-imhotep.eu/index.html
Nantes (44) Isis-Nantes http:///www.isis-egypteancienne.fr
Nîmes (30) Association Égyptologique du Gard http://www.egyptonimes.fr/
Orléans (45) Association Soleil Ailé http://www.histoire-antiqueasa.fr/
Paris (75) Société Française d’Égyptologie http://www.sfe-egyptologie.fr/index.php/fr/egyptologie
Pau (64) Société d'égyptologie de Pau http://egyptologie64.e-monsite.com/
Périgueux (24) Association Périgourdine d’Égyptologie www.kemet24.jimdo.com
Plan de Cuques (13) France-Égypte Méditerranée http://www.france-egypte-mediterranee.org/
Saint-Estève (66) Les Amis de l’Égypte ancienne http://www.klubasso.fr/egypteancienne-partenaires.html
Sollies-Pont (83) Association varoise d’Égyptologie KEMETMAA www.kemetmaa.fr
Strasbourg (67) Association alsacienne d’Égyptologie http://www.egyptostras2.fr/
Troyes (10) Les Amis de Champollion www.lesamisdechampollion.fr
Associazione Per-Megiat Onlus Luigi Prada c/o Biblioteca di Egittologia, Università degli Studi di Milano, Via Festa del Perdono 7, I-20122 MILAN, ITALY per-megiat[@]libero.it www.permegiat-egittoamilano.it
The Egyptological Society of Malta President: Helen Foster. Flat 6 Block B, Olive Court, Triq il-Bahhara, QAWRA, MALTA helen[@]melita.net.mt
The Ancient Egyptian Society Chairman: Eric Swanepoel. P.O. Box 48407, ROOSEVELT PARK, 2120, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA ejswan[@]absamail.co.za
The Egyptian Society of South Africa Secretary: Jean Smith. P.O. Box 246, PLUMSTEAD, 7801, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Tel: (00 27) 21 557 5082 scarab[@]telkomsa.net www.egyptiansociety.co.za
The Egyptological Society of Stockholm c/o Eva Olinder, Cypressvägen 4, S-18248 ENEBYBERG, SWEDEN olinder[@]tele2.se www.efis.nu
Uruguayan Society of Egyptology c/o Professor J.J. Castillos. 4 de Julio 3068, MONTEVIDEO CP 11600, URUGUAY. juancast[@]yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/juanjosecastillos/
American Research Center in Egypt 1256 Briarcliff Road NE Building A, Suite 423W ATLANTA, Georgia 30306, USA. Tel: 404 712 9854 Fax: 404 712 9849 arce[@]emory.edu http://www.arce.org/aboutarce/aboutarce.html
The ARCE has “Chapters” throughout the USA:
Arizona (Tucson) Chapter President: Jennifer Harshman seshat77[@]yahoo.com
Georgia (Atlanta) Chapter President: Vincent Jones. kepfren[@]aol.com
Illinois (Chicago) Chapter President: Emily Teeter. emily[@]arcechicago.com http://www.arcechicago.com/
Massachusetts (Boston) Chapter President: Dr. Kathryn Bard. kbard[@]bu.edu
New Mexico (Albuquerque) Chapter President: Mae Araujo. pharolux[@]yahoo.com
New York (New York City) Chapter President: Patricia Gary. arce_ny[@]yahoo.com
Northern California (Berkeley) Chapter President: Bob Bussey mentuhotep[@]comcast.net http://home.comcast.net/%7Ehebsed/
North Texas (Dallas) Chapter President: Clair Ossian clastic[@]airmail.net http://www.arce-ntexas.org/
Northwest (Seattle, Washington) Chapter President: Joel Walker Dept. of History University of Washington Box 353560 Seattle, WA 98195 jwalker[@]u.washington.edu
Orange County Chapter –California President: Robin Young robinyoung[@]earthlink.net
Oregon (Portland) Chapter President: John Sarr. P.O. Box 15192 PORTLAND, OR 97214, USA jtsarr[@]comcast.net
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) Chapter President: Leslie Anne Warden pres[@]arce-pa.org Secretary: Beth Ann Judas info[@]arce-pa.org pa_arce[@]yahoo.com
Washington, DC Chapter President: Samir Gabriel http://www.arcedc.org/
Secretaries, if your details do not appear on this list, perhaps it is because Ancient Egypt needs up to date information about you.
Please contact the Societies Editor, Victor Blunden on 0161 225 0879 or email : info[@] ancientegyptmagazine.com ( ) |
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